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Giving vulnerable people the fresh start they need

Mustard Seed Property is working with charity partners to give vulnerable people the fresh start they need

Mustard Seed Property (MSP) works closely with a team of fantastic charity partners in Cornwall, providing them with quality accommodation for their clients, which include adults with learning disabilities, or who are struggling with addiction and are at risk of homelessness.

Their partners are:
St Petrocs is a well-established charity dedicated to eradicating homelessness throughout Cornwall. In 2023 alone, 320 people stayed in a St. Petrocs house, and over 1,300 used their services.
Karrek Community supports people with learning disabilities, mental health issues, autism, complex care, older people, physical disabilities, and brain injuries.
Newquay Lighthouse provides homes and support for adult men struggling with alcohol and substance abuse, allowing them to progress through abstinence-based recovery within a mutual aid community.

Tom’s story
Tom arrived at the Newquay Lighthouse Project CIC (NLP) in January 2023. It is a supported housing project occupying a freshly refurbished building they lease from Mustard Seed Property. Tom had battled with drug and alcohol dependency throughout his life, including many years of drug dealing. 

Staff at NLP could see Tom’s traumatic life story written on his arms and legs in his many self-harm cut marks and cigarette burns. Tom arrived at NLP at rock bottom: homeless and in complete despair. He was offered accommodation, understanding and support to deal with his issues.

During his time at NLP, Tom engaged well with his support worker and attended local Narcotics Anonymous meetings, working through the complex trauma that had been fueling his addiction. 

A brighter future
Living at NLP has been life-changing for Tom, who is now living clean and has moved on to take his own independent tenancy. He regularly returns to the house to volunteer and is due to engage in peer mentor training shortly. 

The changes in Tom’s life are only possible because of the accommodation and non-judgmental support he received. Investment in the Mustard Seed Property share offer will enable organisations like NLP to help many more people in similar circumstances to Tom achieve sustainable long-term recoveries.

It is estimated that every addict like Tom costs the state about £40,000 per year when in active addiction, so not only has Tom’s time with NLP already saved the state about £60,000, these savings will add up over the coming years. Tom is now a productive member of society, providing both service and hopefully tax in the not-too-distant future.

Be part of the solution for more people like Tom
Mustard Seed Property is aware of the urgent and growing need for this type of housing and support for vulnerable adults in Cornwall. Their goal is to buy and renovate more properties to provide homes for people who need them most, benefiting them, their families, and their communities whilst saving the state a huge amount of money. But they need more investment to help make that vision a reality. Investments in their share offer start at £100 and target a return of 4-5%.  You can be a part of the solution, by visiting their profile on Ethex here.


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