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Access to solar energy in deprived areas of the UK

Our blog looks at how community energy can help people in areas of deprivation reap the benefits of solar energy

Renewable energy can help provide access to cheaper, greener power for all, but there are still barriers to access for some marginalised groups. For us to have a truly ‘just transition’ to a clean energy future, access to clean energy must be fair and equitable. 

However, access to solar energy in deprived areas of the UK can be a complex issue. While there is great potential for solar energy to benefit these communities, there are factors that can hinder its adoption. One of the biggest factors is, unsurprisingly, financial considerations. The upfront costs of installing solar panels can be a significant hurdle for homes and organisations in deprived areas, who often have limited disposable income. Added to that, there can be a lack of awareness, as residents in deprived areas might not be aware of the potential benefits of solar energy or of any support that might be available.

Energising deprived communities
This is where community energy groups and projects really come into their own. By creating community-owned solar generation assets, they are helping to raise awareness of the benefits and access available within their community. But importantly, they are often generating the up-front costs through investment to install solar arrays, overcoming the affordability barrier.

On Ethex, we work with many community energy groups, many of which are working hard to harness the benefits of solar energy for some of the most deprived communities in the UK. In doing so, they’re helping organisations and residents to reduce their energy bills, easing the cost of living crisis for those who are being hit hardest, but they're also often generating additional community benefits too.

Supporting schools in deprived communities
Solar for Schools Community Benefit Society installs solar arrays on schools around the UK. Doing so provides multiple benefits for the school, its pupils and the wider community. These include significant savings on energy bills and an immersive education programme for students, who gain hands-on experience in sustainability and renewable energy, fostering a deeper understanding of environmental issues. Solar for Schools has partnered with The National Grid to help them reach more schools in areas of social deprivation. 
They are currently in the process of installing free solar on five schools in some of the UK’s most deprived areas.

The benefits provided by Solar for Schools are even greater for schools in these areas. The cost savings from energy bills can be reinvested into educational resources and support services., and the education program helps address disparities in environmental awareness and understanding. By empowering schools in disadvantaged areas, Solar for Schools is creating a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

Investments in the Solar for Schools bond offer provide the upfront funding for the installation of the panels, Their current offer is over 90% to target, meaning they will be able to reach 10 - 15 more schools on their growing waiting list and every investment will help them to do this. View the bond offer here.

Helping council tenants with the cost of living
Energise Barnsley is an award-winning community energy organisation that’s bridging the renewable energy gap for council tenants in Barnsley, which was named the 38th most deprived area in England in 2019 government statistics (out of 317). Energise Barnsley has partnered with local authorities to install solar panels and battery storage on council-rented properties. So far, 321 homes have received free solar PV assets. Over 75% of the houses are bungalows, in which elderly tenants live, and 25% of the residents are on pre-payment meters. 

The financial benefits for the tenants have been substantial, In the first year, the tenants have saved over £40,000 in reduced electricity bills. And that’s not all, the solar project produces a community fund that’s used for other energy-saving initiatives that benefit the local area.

Energise Barnsley has plans to put solar on 1,000 more council-owned homes, and they’re raising finance for this via their bond offer on the Ethex platform; they’ve already raised over £1.5 million. You can support them by investing here.

Investing in a fair transition
Ethex is proud to support these pioneering organisations that are finding solutions to the problem of clean energy access in some of the country’s most deprived areas. We know that for our clean energy transition to be a success, we need to make sure no one is left behind. A big thank you to all our investors who are helping make the road to net zero a more equitable one!


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