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Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high - risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more

Energise Barnsley

Renewable Energy - Bonds

90% raised


Hours left
Raised so far

Energise Barnsley is the largest local authority and community energy rooftop solar and battery storage project in the UK that’s successfully tackling climate change and fuel poverty while building a stronger community.


Min raise
Offer opened
Closing date
cycling race illustration

Energise Barnsley Limited
Registration Number - 7180
Barnsley, England
Incorporation date: 30 July 2015

Your money will…

  • Tackle climate change by enabling Energise Barnsley to reduce carbon emissions in the Barnsley area through rooftop solar installations on tenanted homes.

  • Reduce levels of fuel poverty in the area, particularly among elderly tenants by cutting energy bills. The solar energy generated is free to use for tenants.

  • Support vital community initiatives through the Community Solar Fund, funded by surplus profits from the generation of renewable electricity.

  • Earn a potential return. Investments in this 2-year bond offer target a return of 6% per annum and can be held within an IF ISA for potential tax free returns.

The bigger picture

Launched in 2015, Energise Barnsley is on a mission to transition from a formerly coal-dependent community to clean, community-owned energy that also generates strong social benefits. They are achieving this by installing solar panels on council-owned homes in the area, where almost 10% of residents live in fuel poverty. 
Residents enjoy cheaper energy bills, and 100% of the surplus profits from energy generation are funnelled back into the community via the Community Solar Fund.

To date, Energise Barnsley has:
    • Successfully delivered 3 low carbon innovation projects, ensuring residents are not left behind in the ‘Just Transition’ to a low-carbon local energy supply.
    • Generated over 6,307 MWhs of clean energy, saving over 2,207 tonnes of CO2
    • Created over £374,595 of collective savings from tenants on electricity.
    • Installed 150 smart batteries, generating an additional £300,000 in energy bill savings
    • Distributed over £96,000 surplus income to fund community initiatives that tackle climate change and fuel poverty

    *IFISA eligibility depends on investors' individual tax status and current legislation.

What your money will do

Your investment in Energise Barnsley will :

    • Enable Energise Barnsley to install solar panels on up to 1,000 social housing homes in Barnsley
    • Save the tenants in these properties around £200 to £300 per annum on their energy bills, a huge benefit to those affected by fuel poverty
    • Cut carbon emissions by 800 tonnes per annum through the generation of clean, renewable energy, helping Barnsley reach its 2040 net zero targets
    • Generate a community fund of around £1 million from surplus profit that will fund community projects that tackle social and environmental issues in the area  


Energise Barnsley is the largest local authority and community energy rooftop solar and battery storage project in the UK that’s successfully tackling climate change and fuel poverty while building a stronger community.

Andy Heald

Co-Founder Energise Barnsley & Director, Generation Community Ventures

Andy is the co-founder of Generation Community  and Generation Community Ventures and has been  working in community energy since 2010. He holds an MSc Energy, Environmental  Technology & Economics (Merit) from City  University, London, a Securities Diploma and a  BA Hons Political Theory & Economics (1993)  from Liverpool University.

In his spare time Andy is a Trustee and Secretary for a charity promoting water based sports for all ages, and is found as often as possible on, in or under the water with his two children

Bethan Wynton

Society Secretary & Director, Generation Community Ventures

As society secretary, Beth has worked in finance and project management in various roles for over 10 years. She has specialised in sustainability, social enterprise, and the public sector, as well as supporting small businesses to reduce their carbon footprint through low carbon and renewable technology. Beth brings proven experience managing multiple stakeholders, whilst being passionate about social and environmental impact.

In her spare time Beth is Vice Treasurer for a cycling charity, helping people with disabilities access sport. She loves spending time outdoors, so will often be found swimming in the local lido or on a bike ride.

Jeremy Sykes

Interim Chair

Jeremy originates from Barnsley and worked for the Council for 40 years. A Chartered  Environmentalist he is passionate about reducing energy usage and installing low carbon  technologies in buildings. Jeremy has track record in the successful delivery of sustainable  and renewable energy projects across the  borough, which contributed to the Council  winning the prestigious Ashden Award in 2006.

Paul Castle

Custodian Trustee

Paul is a Service Director for Barnsley Council’s Environment & Transport Services, a member of the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management and lead for Climate and Sustainability. He has over 30 years of experience working across both public and private sectors. His motivation centres on continually improving services for citizens.

Ashley Gray

BMBC Finance

Strategic Finance Business Partner – Growth & Sustainability & Children's Services Directorates as the Custodian Trustee appointed Director.

Ade Babayemi

Board Member

Ade is an experienced Finance, Economics, Public Policy and Infrastructure adviser with 10-years’ experience in public and private sectors respectively, specialising in economics, public-policy, financial analysis/feasibility studies, and funding and financing advice for major capital and infrastructure delivery

Brian Griffin

Board Member

Brian is a Berneslai Homes tenant, and is engaged on numerous groups and panels with Berneslai Homes. He is also a member of the Housing Ombudsman Panel and the Regulator of Social Housing Panel. Being an active member of his community, he is Chair of the Hoyland Community Group, and comes with experience as a Credit Controller, including legal recovery actions.

Rob Clark

Board Member

Rob has worked in energy and sustainability roles across a number of public sector organisations, managing energy efficiency and reporting functions across large and varied portfolios and seeking out cost and carbon savings and social value opportunities.  Rob has a passion for community energy and project managed the implementation of Energise Barnsley for Barnsley Council, ensuring that all compliance and operational activity was managed through to completion, aligning the project deliverables to stakeholder requirements.

John Townend

Board Member

John is retired and lives in Carlton where he is secretary of the Carlton Village Community Group. John has been a volunteer board member for over 10 years at Berneslai Homes locally and national board member of TAROE (Tenants and Residents Organisation of England).  I look forward to serving the community of Barnsley through my role with Energise Barnsley.

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Interest accrual and payment

The Interest payments will begin from November 2025.

Getting your money out

Energise Barnsley may at its absolute discretion, at any time following the death, critical illness or other exceptional circumstances of any Bondholder, redeem the whole or part of the Bonds held by such Bondholder.

Investing on behalf of children

Applicants must be 18 years old or older and investments can be made on behalf of children.

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