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Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high - risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more


The Fair Tax Foundation Cuppa Club

Thursday 12th September 2024 - 12:00AM



Join Ethex for an exciting new Cuppa Club webinar where we’ll chat with representatives from The Fair Tax Foundation who have recently launched a community share offer on Ethex.

The Fair Tax Foundation believes companies paying tax responsibly should be recognised and celebrated, and a global race to the bottom on tax resisted. They created the Fair Tax Mark accreditation scheme, a globally recognised standard for responsible tax conduct. More than 250 distinct trading businesses are now Fair Tax Mark accredited, who together contribute more than £1.7bn in corporation tax annually across the globe.
They now want to level up further still and increase their corporate engagement fivefold - leading to hundreds of Fair Tax Mark accredited companies combining to make a corporation tax contribution in excess of c.£8.5bn per annum.

Despite many hard-won victories and reforms over the past ten years, 35% of multinational profits (£1trn) are still artificially shifted to tax havens each year and the UK suffers from a corporate tax shortfall of £12.5bn each year because of this multinational profit-shifting. This doesn’t just rob the public purse of funding for vital services such as transport and healthcare, it also undermines the ability of businesses to compete fairly, depresses national productivity and undermines the pursuit of net zero.

On the webinar, we’ll chat with Paul Monaghan from The Fair Tax Foundation to understand the problem of corporate tax avoidance in the UK, what they are doing to reduce it, examples of companies doing the right thing, and their plans for the future. We’ll hear how investments in their share offer will help them achieve their goals.  There will be a chance to put your questions directly to their Chief Executive.

PanellistsPaul Pizzala, Senior Investment Manager, Ethex (host)Paul Monaghan, Chief Executive, The Fair Tax Foundation