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Ethical Consumer Week webinar

Friday 22nd October 2021 - 11:00AM



Join our Ethical Consumer Week online discussion on grassroots solutions to global problems

Join Josh Brewer,  Senior Business Development Manager, Ethex, with Petra Morris, Co-operative Development Manager, Co-operatives UK and representatives of some community and climate-driven organisations for an open discussion about the power of community projects to take decisive grassroots action against climate change in a post-COVID world.

In this webinar, co-hosted with Co-ops UK, we’ll talk about the power of community action in the face of government inaction, we’ll showcase some successful examples of community organisations who are making a difference.

We will look at how we can blend institutional finance alongside individual investments to ensure these pioneering organisations achieve maximum impact and value for communities to build back better and tackle climate change. The panel will highlight how community share offers play a key role in funding impactful projects.

We will also discuss how the models they use can be replicated and scaled across the country so that collectively, small local actions generate a big impact.

Date: Friday 22nd October 11 am - 12 pm



Josh Brewer, Senior Business Development Manager, Ethex
Petra Morris, Co-operative Development Manager, Co-operatives UK
Marion Lloyd-Jones - People Powered Retrofit
Judith Griffies  - Bridport Cohousing
Phil Shadbolt - EZ Charge